This CD-ROM contains the following MEPS Household Component (HC) public use files released by AHRQ for calendar year 1996: the 1996 Full Year Consolidated Data File (HC-012); the 1996 Event Files (HC-010A through HC-010I); the 1996 Medical Conditions File (HC-006R); the 1996 Jobs File (HC-007); and the 1996 Health Insurance Plan Abstraction (HIPA) Linked Data File (HC-017). For each of these releases, the following files are included: a README file, data file(s) in ASCII and SAS Transport format, documentation and codebook(s), and a file containing SAS programming statements and sample code for SAS users.
Also included are these additional files: the data collection instrument for the MEPS Rounds 1-5 Household Component; matrix files containing a summary of all data items on 1996 MEPS HC files; and self-executable software for use with portable document formatted (PDF) files.